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Call us on 1860 500 5050 / 1860 419 5050

Contact us on our helpline numbers for a quick, hassle-free resolution and support.

Click here to download Response Times through the car lease cycle - from quotation to delivery, services to end of lease and re-order.



Contact Details

Salary Plan Quote Support
Monday - Friday | 9:00am - 5:30pm

 - How to order your SalaryPlan car
 - Quote making queries

1860 500 5050
1860 419 5050
IVR option 2

Ayvens Customer Support
Monday - Saturday | 8:00am - 8:00pm

 - Status of your ordered car
 - Service and delivery queries
 - End of lease queries
 - Insurance claims assistance

1860 500 5050
1860 419 5050
IVR option 1

Insurance Team

Monday - Friday | 9:00am - 5:30pm

 - Insurance related queries

1860 500 5050
1860 419 5050
